Student Blog #2

By Guest Writer Sara

To begin with I was a bit hesitant and unsure about the events that would happen through this process. As a theatre major and art major I have always tried to be a very open person with expressing myself. However, as a person that started college with extreme social anxiety and the distrust of other people it has been a very difficult journey.

I have found that in the theatre I have established a type of family with the people that I learn and work with every day. So I have been progressively coming out of my shell more around these people and being myself.

With this production I have found myself in a new type of family. This family is full of people that I may not know that well yet, but I still trust them more than I ever thought was possible in my entire life. I'm excited to see where things will be at the end of the semester and I am very appreciative of this experience and for Jonathan for making all of this possible.


Student Blog #1

 By Guest Writer Eric 

We recently started our rehearsals and workshops for the show Cleaning Closets here at Morehead State University. Seeing as this is the alma mater for our director, Jonathan Mayo, I think we all feel a sense of pride to be able to bring this show to the stage in our theatre.

This is my first show in a couple of years and each time I am on stage, I learn something different. The stage, while it’s a place where you typically portray someone else, is a place where you learn the most about yourself. Since my first performance in fourth grade, it’s been a safe haven for me to feel comfortable. Before coming out, it was a parallel to my life because that's what I was doing in my life; portraying a character who is straight. After coming out, the stage was even more freeing.

I have done many shows and many characters and put myself in many different costumes. I have had Whiteout in my hair, I have worn army uniforms, and I have put on heels. This is the first show where I am playing a character in a resemblance to myself, because this is my story. This is my chance to take the things I have been through and put them into words to possibly help someone else.

I have many different thoughts and expectations for this show.  I’ve never been a person for high expectations, but this show is going to be amazing. Jonathan has picked an amazing cast who are all different. We have different stories and we all respect the stories of the others.

When opening night rolls around, I will be ready to show everyone just what we have been working on and I’m sure everyone will feel so elated to be able to share things that may be tough, but we open our lives for a great reason. We share to help.