Student Blog #2
/By Guest Writer Sara
To begin with I was a bit hesitant and unsure about the events that would happen through this process. As a theatre major and art major I have always tried to be a very open person with expressing myself. However, as a person that started college with extreme social anxiety and the distrust of other people it has been a very difficult journey.
I have found that in the theatre I have established a type of family with the people that I learn and work with every day. So I have been progressively coming out of my shell more around these people and being myself.
With this production I have found myself in a new type of family. This family is full of people that I may not know that well yet, but I still trust them more than I ever thought was possible in my entire life. I'm excited to see where things will be at the end of the semester and I am very appreciative of this experience and for Jonathan for making all of this possible.