Producer's Dilemmas
/So there are many challenges to producing any kind of show or event. I believe I've met all of those obstacles while planning the night of storytelling. At first there was a lack of story submissions, but then my co-curator and I changed the guidelines for submissions and we received so many more! Then I just found out that our original venue is now permanently closing after this weekend. This is both sad for the venue and for my show because we weren't booked in the space until the end of September! we're just over a month out from the show, and I had to book the original space 4 months in advance. But I have a strong team helping me produce the show. So I'm keeping the faith that we will find a new venue in time for our deadline. However I must also worry about getting out the posters early enough to market the event but late enough to find a new venue to put on the poster! Everything is dependent on this one detail! It's stressful, but it's also exciting. It all comes with the territory of producing. But I've worked this hard to get where I am, so I'm determined to make this show happen. So I've already got a meeting set up for next week to talk with the manager of a new venue. Fingers crossed!